I see Red and Green
Blood and Trees
Life and Go
Root and Heart
Earthy and materialist
Death and Birth
Root chakra and Heart chakra
Heres to hopeful hearts positively grounded in the present
A healthy root chakra makes us feel strong, well supported and grounded in our world. We feel like we are wealthy in so many ways when we have an open freely spinning root chakra. We know who we are and what we want right now. The root chakra is located at our center and supports everything that we do. When I reflect on its various meanings I think, among other things, of consuming and digesting and being in the physical body. I think of giving and receiving. Accepting and Releasing.
Yes root red, blood red, physical red fits perfect with the materialistic excesses of Christmas.
Living large and grounded in the present. Feasting and wearing bright gaudy colors and sparkles that we would not normally wear. Getting and Receiving gifts with ought more than a glancing thought about whether we have been naughty or nice. Whether we are on the path that is laid out for our best life. Our beliefs are tied up in and flow from our roots. Memories both real and imaginary are tied to our early earthly experience. A lot that needs to be healed. There are a lot of spiritual emotional connections with the root. Christmas time asks us to focus on the best of a healthy flowing or spinning root.
Green Christmas trees in the middle of winter, filled with lights in the darkest part of the year. We look forward with hope and optimism. Green is Growth to many of us. At Christmas we focus on or try to focus on compassion, love and giving. Decorating that tree, knowing there will be more light coming, more new growth and more love in the near future. I will be a better person in the future. Still a very physical time but focused on spiritual ideals of compassion, empathy and the kind of love that reaches out to help those in need. We delight in seeing the magic light up a Childs eyes before it is dimmed by the realities that we teach.
Weaving root and heart, red and green together in one holiday we seek to align our gut instincts with our emotional, heart felt instincts. To stretch into our best selves. Winter solstice is a good time to reflect on balancing the two. We want to both open our hearts greater than ever before and to reach out to others in a material and joyful way. All these goals can be tricky because we place so much expectation on being able to give joy while many times over streaching and becoming emotionally and spiritually drained.
In this holiday season while looking forward to a joyful new year, I wish you the joy of balance! The ability to experience all the love and joy that surrounds you. I love you and me and I want the best for us.