Spirit Destination
We are three women seeking to share our explorations of life's most interesting spiritual mysteries.
Why are we here? Does life have a purpose? What is true in the major religions? What is true in science and where does it intersect with religion? Are there UFOs and are the aliens among us? Is there life before birth and after death? Can we contact our beloveds on the other side of the veil? Do crystals talk to us and participate in healing us and the planet?
You get the idea! We wish to explore these kinds of questions and many more in different ways. Cheryl likes ritual and likes to read and write fantasy, scifi and young adult novels. Maria-Elena has written a book about connecting with the other side. Cynthia is blogging with whimsy and humor.
We want to add joy and bring light to the world . Sharing our light in a safe environment. We hope you will participate and enjoy! Love you! Cheryl